Hardware Requirement
Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 (I'm tested on rooted Official firmware : Android 3.2 HC.)
Software Requirement
1. OpenVPN Installer (from market)
2. OpenVPN Setting (from market)
3. BussyBox Installer (from market)
4. SSHDroid ssh server (from market)
PC Software Requirement
1. Putty ssh client
1. If your tablet doesn't rooted please roote it's first.
2. Open BussyBox Installer and install bussy box to /system/xbin/
3. Connect your tabet to pc and copy openvpn configuration files to tablet /sdcard/openvpn/
5. Connnect you tablet to wifi-network (same the pc's network)
4. Open putty on your pc and connect it to your tablet (default username is root and password is admin)
5. run following command
cd /
mount -o remount rw /system
ln -s /system/xbin/busybox /system/bin/cp
6. On your tablet Open OpenVPN Installer
7. Install OpenVPN to /system/bin/ and choose path of ifconfig to "/system/xbin/busybox ifconfig"
if status showed "Binary Installed" it's mean installation success.
8. Open OpenVPN Setting and go to advance menu.
9. Do not checked on Load tun kernel module (Because i'm check for tun.ko is now loading to kernel. I'm using Tun.ko from market to check tun.ko in kernel module). Set Path to Configurations to "/sdcard/openvpn". Set Path to openvpn binary to "/system/bin/openvpn" and press back button. Now. You should see your open configuration connections.
10. Enjoy.
*** if you have problem about dns cannot change you can set dns by press connection you want and then select preference. Check on "Use VPN DNS Server" and set "VPN DNS Server" to your DNS Server.